Download Game PES 2013 - PPSSPP Android

Hai soccer mania mrgreen ... Kabar baik nih untuk kamu pecinta sepak bola, karena pagi ini saya bagikan game PES 2013 buat kalian semua biggrin .

Apa aja yg baru?
Yang pasti sudah update transfer pemain 2012-2013 + Update Jersey + Timnas Garuda dll. up-arrow .

Sebenarnya game PSP ini bisa berjalan disemua hh android termasuk galaxy y tapi hasilnya akan patah2 ala goyangan Anisa Bahar cheesy-grin , jadi ane saranin untuk memainkan game Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 paling tidak spek dual core 1Ghz, adreno 203, ram 512 keatas.

Jika kamu sudah tak sabar menahan hasrat ingin mencobanya kiss , silahkan rampok gamenya dibawah ini ranger .
Thumbnail - PES FullControl: players will be giving greater freedom over ball control and the way players receive and trap the ball has been improved. For the first time players will be given the option to take manual control over their shots. Dribbling speed has been slowed to keep it more realistic, but using R2 will allow players to add “various styles to their close control�.
- Player ID: Players are more recognisable in PES 2013, having signature attributes, skills and tricks. The intention is to make individual players feel unique and easily identifiable on the pitch. This also extends to the behaviour of goal keepers.
- ProActive AI: PES 2013 promises to balance games even more. Teams will have greater organization in defence and attack, and will respond more quickly when they gain or lose possession.

Name: Pro Evolution Soccer 2013
Publisher: Konami
Platform: Playstation Portable PSP
Release Date: 2012-12-07
Disc ID: ULES-01575
Image Format: ISO
Languages: English

Download single link:
PES 2013.rar 438MB

Extrak data foldernya dan taruh di "Sdcard/PSP/SAVEDATA/here"

Download part link:
PES 2013.iso.001 25MB
PES 2013.iso.002 25MB
PES 2013.iso.003 25MB
PES 2013.iso.004 25MB
PES 2013.iso.005 25MB
PES 2013.iso.006 25MB
PES 2013.iso.007 25MB
PES 2013.iso.008 25MB
PES 2013.iso.009 25MB
PES 2013.iso.010 25MB
PES 2013.iso.011 25MB
PES 2013.iso.012 25MB
PES 2013.iso.013 25MB
PES 2013.iso.014 25MB
PES 2013.iso.015 25MB
PES 2013.iso.016 25MB
PES 2013.iso.017 25MB
PES 2013.iso.018 25MB
PES 2013.iso.019 25MB
PES 2013.iso.020 25MB
PES 2013.iso.021 25MB
PES 2013.iso.022 16MB

Instruksi menggabungkan menggunakan Droid Splitter:
1. Download semua part 1 - 22 game diatas lalu taruh satu folder.
2. Buka Droid Splitter kemudian pilih ikon Join.
3. Lalu masuk file manager, catu dan tandai semua part 1 - 22 yg udah didownload. Terus klik Start.
4. Setelah di Join / digabungin tinggal kamu rename / hapus jadi PES 2013.iso.
5. Selanjutnya tinggal anda load iso gamenya & maenkan up-arrow .

Jika masih kesulitan menggabungkan menggunakan Droid Splitter cari tutorial nya di google cheesy-grin.


Emulator PPSSPP for android download HERE

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