Tales Of The World Radiant Mythology + Savedata Game - PPSSPP Android

Thumbnail Hai gan!! Apa kabar??
Rasanya kurang lengkap deh dari beberapa game PSP yg saya share diblog ini jika belum ada RPG gamenya. Karena itu hari ini gw post game RPG lumayan keren nih untuk androidmu namanya Tales of the world Radiant Mythology.

Jika kamu pecinta RPG pasti tidak akan melewati keasyikan game RPG ini. Karena selain grapiknya yg sudah Full 3D, anda bebas mengkustomisasi karaktermu sendiri seperti wajah, model rambut, warna kulit dan lain2. Dengan lebih dari 300 misi serta ribuan item dan senjata pasti menambah keseruannya ketika berpetualang. Nah, kabar baiknya game Tales of The World: Radiant Mythology ini work baik di semua hh android termasuk galaxy young.

Tunggu apalagi langsung hajar gan down-arrow
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- Character customization – Customize your ideal character by changing your clothing, voice and more.
- An array of items – With over 1000 items the selection of equipment and weapons is endless!
- Pick your class – Choose from various character classes, such as Warrior, Thief, Priest, Mage and other higher level classes.
- Endless gameplay – With up to 300 quests, Tales of the World promises endless hours of non stop gameplay.
- Action packed real-time battles – The Tales series’ signature Free Run Linear Motion Battle System allow you to unleash stunning attacks and devastating combos in real time from anywhere on the battlefield.
- New and old Tales characters! – Enlist help from Luke and Tear from “Tales of the Abyss� and 17 other Tales characters from previous Tales games.
- Ad hoc functionality – Wirelessly exchange weapons and armor, with your friends!

Name: Tales of The World Radiant Mythology
Developer: Bandai Namco
Genre: Action RPG
Platform:Playstation Portable
Download: Tales of The World.rar 190MB
Save Data: tales of the world.zip ( Hacked save. All class level 250. Max health and money. All quest complete. All craft skills level 100)

Cara ekstrak:
1. Gunakan file manager ZArchiver 0.6.5.apk - 2.7 MB
2. Ekstrak semua file dan taruh semuanya dalam satu folder.
4. Cari file yg berformat .rar dan ekstrak file iso didalamnya.
5. Buka emulator PPSSPP - load game nya - dan maenkan biggrin


Emulator PPSSPP for android download HERE

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